Sunday, June 29, 2008


Haha:) We have found a pre-testing of hurricane.

We need to "jiayou"

It would be possible to erect such a line of vertical gas pipes out in the desert. A person or sensor could sit in a chair five or ten miles away, at the center-point of the slight curvature of the array. When the (distant) wall-of-fire is ignited, it might be visible as a brief flash on the horizon. Then, if the concept works as expected, the person or sensor would feel an intense gust of wind maybe a minute later. If enough power was generated, and if the focusing effect performed acceptably, and if the frictional losses in those miles were not too severe, that single gust of wind would hopefully be of at least gale force. If such an effect can be accomplished, from several miles away, the concept seems almost certain to work at de-stabilizing a hurricane.


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